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Executive leadership & business development for Cleantech, Telecom, and Government.

Navigating the business terrain can be challenging. With over 25 years of experience, the Skunk Works Fund helps companies turn risk and compliance into opportunity and develops strategies and solutions to problems that may seem insurmountable.  Whether it is raising capital, meeting looming deadlines or cutting through red tape, the Skunk Works Fund delivers.



To succeed as a leader in the energy field, you need to be part physicist, part engineer, lobbyist, manager and futurist.  I’ve been in wind power and energy efficiency through an oil collapse from $48 to $11/barrel and natural gas as it collapsed from $9 to $3 per MCF.  I’m a Founding Fellow in the Northeast Clean

Energy Council.   


To succeed in telecom you need to be part software and hardware engineer, part regulator, lobbyist, manager, futurist.  I’ve designed huge national voice and data networks, marketed fiber optic transmission, designed and deployed LTE networks with every kind of backhaul imaginable in many venues like sports, racing, political, music, in cities, the desert and cross borders.



Government touches all aspects of the telecommunications and energy sectors that I work in.  From my first job at City Hall in Boston to work with congressional staff on hearings, securing a dozen FCC special temporary authorizations, working with DHS on jamming and cross-border exercises, work on every presidential election since 1976 and in 2018 turning an incumbent out of a US House seat.       


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When I offer my Skunk Works Fund* business card, defense and intelligence personnel don’t ask

‘Why the name?”   But for civilians, the name is not part of their lore.  Here’s why I adopted the name.
 My professional environment is high risk, early-stage ventures.  If rules are more important than the goals, we won’t get the job done right: under budget, on time and better than the competition.  It is also about the willingness to experiment and try new approaches. 


CALL ME:  617-306-9312 

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17 Lincoln Road
Suite #6338
Lincoln, MA 01773

© 2019 by Skunk Works

Disclaimer:  Steve Kropper and Skunk Works Fund are not affiliated with Lockheed Martin Corporation, holder of the ‘Skunk Works' trademark.  Lockheed-Martin is a defense contractor. We're not.  Kropper was formerly responsible for telecommunications competitive emulation at Martin-Marietta Corporation (predecessor to Lockheed Martin).

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