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Virginia Old Rag hike steve smiles befor
Steve has conceived and managed advanced technology offerings, then negotiated deals with:


  • Five of the top ten US financial institutions: Chase, Citi, Bank of America…

  • Five of the top ten US wind power developers: BP, EON, Invenergy…

  • Five of the top ten US on-line media companies: Bloomberg, Dow Jones…            


Typically I operate in the middle of a management triangle – On one side, hardware engineers, software developers, and Ph.D. analysts.  Those colleagues usually think I am a degree holding engineer in their fields.  I’m not.  On the other side are the marketing, PR and sales teams.  And the third side is the ‘outside world’ of finance, customers and vendors. 


It is my job to make it all work.  I conceive of products, raise capital, hire and fire, and close the key customer and vendor deals.


I start technology-intensive companies and I fix companies with leadership and strategy problems.  My sectors are Cleantech, Telecom, and Government. 


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Call:  617 306 9312  



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